What is SeroVital Advanced π?
SeroVital Advanced π is a daily supplement taken twice a day designed to raised the human growth hormone (HGH) in order to reduce the signs of aging. Instead of using steroids or potentially dangerous injections to increase HGH, SeroVital Advanced π provides raw materials that encourage your body to make more HGH naturally.
SeroVital Advanced π is actually one of the first patented anti-aging products on the market and because they have been on the market for such a long time it has acquired a history with customers creating a lot of fans!
First Glance at SeroVital Advanced π
Since SeroVital Advanced π is such a popular product I decided to give it a try and also give my full review. At first glance the packaging looked great and doesn’t seem gimmicky at all, this is always very reassuring to me. Inside the box there’s individually packed supplements (morning blend, evening blend) I found this super helpful as it minimizes errors and keeps everything more organized. I purchased the 30 day package but they also offer a monthly subscription which is 20% cheaper than just buying 1 month and they offer a 90 day kit 40% discounted. I find these to be great deals if you are all in with SeroVital Advanced π.
Morning Blend: The morning blend contains one white tablet and one red tablet, meant to be taken with food at breakfast. Hereβs a list of the vitamins and minerals in the morning blend:
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D
- Riboflavin
- Zinc
- Selenium
- Copper
It also contains SeroVitalβs proprietary blend, which consists of:
- Chlorella
- Ladyβs Mantle Extract
- Olive Leaf Extract
- Cumin Seed Extract
- Coffee Bean Extract
- Wild Mint Extract
- Smart Release (Purified Japanese Glucomannan/Konjac Root Extract)
- Triticum Aestivum Extract
- Collagen Peptides
- Keratin Peptides
- Hyaluronic Acid
Evening Blend: The evening blend has fewer ingredients, but you must take more tablets (four instead of two). It should be taken on an empty stomach, ideally two hours after your last meal of the day. Ingredients include:
- L-Lysine Hydrochloride
- L-Arginine Hydrochloride
- Oxo-Proline
- Extract of Fermented L-Cysteine
- L-Glutamine
- Schizonepeta Powder
First Month with SeroVital Advanced π
The first week I didn’t feel any difference but I found the pills to be easy to swallow no after taste and very convenient to throw on my purse if I was on the go. During my second week I suddenly felt a burst of energy, I felt well rested more awake and aware of my surroundings. This was great for me because I have a toddler and I felt like I was enjoying him more as I was able to keep up with him and play for longer periods of time.
I also felt a positive shift on my mood (the good sleep, the energy, the happy toddler and husband) everything seemed to me so much brighter I really loved that!
By the end of my month I was a better version of myself, even my skin and hair look great. the combination of everything really made such a big difference for me so I decided to purchase the 90 day kit to see what else SeroVital Advanced π could do for me.
Three months later with SeroVital Advanced π
Not only did I keep on feeling amazing I lost 1O lbs, yes those 10 lbs I gained after having my baby that I had completely given up on losing because I thought was my new “mom look” I have gotten compliments from friends and family members. I feel confident, energetic, glowy, happy, younger, prettier no wonder SeroVital Advanced π has been on the market for years and people rave about these supplements!
Is it worth it? absolutely YES, I’m so glad I decided to try and review SeroVital Advanced. When I first tried SeroVital Advanced π I was in a place of my life were I was just a walking zombie, I wasn’t getting the sleep I needed therefor I didn’t have the energy to function properly at home and at work. SeroVital Advanced π changed my life in a good way, I feel rested, full of energy it makes me so happy to feel this way because I can be a more present mother, partner and I can focus more at work. The weight I lost makes me feel so much more confident about myself I’m convinced and 100% sold on SeroVital Advanced π because thanks to them I am a new better me!
Do you want to improve your skin? Check out my Paula’s Choice REVIEW!