Nicknamed the “internal shower,” this simple drink is said to relieve constipation and help you poop. So, does chia seed water live up to these claims?
Registered dietitian James Stansley, RD, weighed in on the safety of this trend, and commented on its efficacy. We also have an alternative if drinking a nasty cup of chia seeds just isn’t for you.
Does the internal shower drink from Tiktok work?
All that fiber in chia seeds is mostly insoluble fiber, which does not dissolve in liquid. Instead, it absorbs fluids and helps create bulky, soft stool. So yes, technically a chia seed drink would have the right kind of fiber to give you a large, bulky poop, but it doesn’t come without risks.
“Chia seeds haven’t been studied for their efficacy in relieving constipation or cleansing your colon” James writes, “but because of the enormous fiber content, they probably have a laxative effect”
Here’s the thing, though. Too much fiber can also cause tummy troubles, and actually be dangerous including:
- Abdominal pain.
- Bloating.
- Constipation.
- Cramping.
- Diarrhea.
- Gas.
So what do we recommend to do instead?
Our recommendation instead to get your “Internal shower” without the nasty chia seed drink, is to take a high quality probiotic with at least 10 diverse strains, and prebiotic greens.
The right probiotic is the “Internal shower” you need; by improving your guts microbiome & flora, you can not only lose weight but cleanse your body of toxins and other nasty stuff!
Probiotics have the ability to:
- Assist with weight loss
- Improve sleep, and other metabolic functions
- Help with digestion of foods that can sometimes cause gastronomical distress
- Much, much more that scientists are only learning about now!